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About (English)
The building was constructed in 1910 according to the project of the Rostov town-keepr E.M. Gulin in the modernist style. Its proprietor was a Rostov shipowner G.G Pustovoitov, the most prominent patron of art in Rostov. The building has been constructed as a trade house and its premises were intended for granting on lease. The building is situated in the historical part of the city at the intersection of the two main city thoroughfares - Bolshaya Sadovaya street and Budennovskiy avenue. Nowadays the Trade Complex having the total area of more than four thousand square metres is situated in the building of the Central Departament store. During the latest few years the reconsruction of the departament store has been carried out. The assortiment of goods has been radically renewed, a new concept of goods selection and their representation in the sales area has been suggested. The total area of the Departament Store has been increased due to the reduction of the storage rooms area; additional areas for offices have been placed in operation. A wide assortiment of goods is presented in the Departament Store. Experienced shop assistants will help you to choose from the great variety of goods, and modern design allows the customers to feel comfortably in spacious sales areas of our Trade Complex.